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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

Volume 1

Letter ID: 199

Sri Aurobindo — Roy, Dilip Kumar

January 12, 1932

It is indeed a very fine stanza in which you have embodied what the Mother wrote1. I will ask her about the translation in French.

There is just one point left. The greater part of your song – which, I prefer to say, the Mother finds very good,– expresses the seeking, but there were in the Mother’s scheme certain things that had to happen after that finding. (1) the immobility of wonder and ecstasy at the first revelation, (2) the first adoration (prostration), (3) the offering – of flowers, jewels, (4) the chant or expression of adoration, (5) the realisation that enough has not been done and the entire self-giving. To put all that verbally into the song would make it too long; but can the music be so arranged that Sahana can go through the indication of these movements leading up to the close in that magnificent last stanza?


1 Probably a letter about a “Radha-dance” which Sahana was preparing and which Dilip was to accompany. Mother encouraged and helped Sahana.
