Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
03. The Triple Transformation: Psychic – Spiritual – Supramental
Fragment ID: 2681
A word about your sadhana. It seems to me that the key to your future development is contained in the experience which you say you often attained for a few days at K. “A state which was full of knowledge, calm serenity, strength and wide consciousness – all questions automatically solved – a continuous stream of power passed into the body through the forehead centre – extremely powerful, having undisturbed samatā, calm conviction, keen sight and knowledge.” This was the consciousness of the true Purusha in you aware of his own supramental being and it is this which must become your normal consciousness and the basis of the supramental development. In order that it may so become, the mind has to be made calm and strong, the emotional and vital being purified and the physical consciousness so opened that the body can hold and retain the consciousness and power. I notice that at the time you had it the body also expressed it. This is a sign that the capacity is already there in your physical being. The calm and strength will descend from above, what you have to do is to open yourself and receive it and at the same time reject all the movements of the lower nature which prevent it from remaining and which are ruled by desires and habits inconsistent with the true being, the true power and the true knowledge. Of course the superior power will itself reveal to you and remove all the obstacles in your nature. But the condition is that not only your mental but your vital and physical being must open and surrender to it and refuse to surrender themselves to other powers and forces. As you yourself experienced at that time, this greater consciousness will of itself bring the development of the higher will and knowledge. Psychic experiences of a proper kind are of course a great help but in your case it may be that any rich development of the psychic will only come after or in proportion as this consciousness with the calm knowledge, will and samatā takes possession of the different parts of the being.