Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
03. The Triple Transformation: Psychic – Spiritual – Supramental
Fragment ID: 2665
What is meant by one’s own force? All force is cosmic and the individual is merely an instrument – a certain amount of the force may be stored in him, but that does not make it his own.
There are certain possibilities in the way of the experience. First there is the faith, or sometimes a mental realisation and this of itself is enough to make one open to the Mother’s force so that it is always available at need or call. Even if one does not feel the Force coming, yet the results are there and visible. The next is when one feels oneself like an instrument and is aware of the Energy using it. A third is the contact with the Power above and its descent (spontaneous or at call) into the body – this is the more concrete way of having it, for one physically feels the Force working in one. Finally there is a state of consciousness of close contact with the Mother (inward) which brings a similar result.