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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

02. The Triple Transformation: Psychic – Spiritual – Supramental

Fragment ID: 2493

What is to be done depends on where the block is. There are two movements that are necessary – one is the ascent through the increasing of peace and silence to its source above the mind,– that is indicated by the tendency of the consciousness to rise out of the body to the top of the head and above where it is easy to realise the Self in all its stillness and liberation and wideness and to open to the other powers of the Higher Consciousness. The other is the descent of the peace, silence, the spiritual freedom and wideness and the powers of the higher consciousness as they develop into the lower down to the most physical and even the subconscient. To both of these movements there can be a block – a block above due to the mind and lower nature being unhabituated (it is that really and not incapacity) and a block below due to the physical consciousness and its natural slowness to change. Everybody has these blocks but by persistent will, aspiration or abhyāsa they can be overcome.