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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

02. The Triple Transformation: Psychic – Spiritual – Supramental

Fragment ID: 2441

It is the aim of the sadhana that the consciousness should rise out of the body and take its station above,– spreading in the wideness everywhere, not limited to the body. Thus liberated one opens to all that is above this station, above the ordinary mind, receives there all that descends from the heights, observes from there all that is below. Thus it is possible to witness in all freedom and to control all that is below and to be a recipient or a channel for all that comes down and presses into the body, which it will prepare to be an instrument of a higher manifestation, remoulded into a higher consciousness and nature.

What is happening in you is that the consciousness is trying to fix itself in this liberation. When one is there in that higher station, one finds the freedom of the Self and the vast silence and immutable calm – but this calm has to be brought down also into the body, into all the lower planes and fix itself there as something standing behind and containing all the movements.