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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

09. Sadhana in the Ashram and Outside

Fragment ID: 1726

The difficulty which you experience from relatives and others is always one that intervenes as an obstacle when one has to practise the sadhana in ordinary or unfavourable surroundings. The only way to escape from it is to be able to live in oneself in one’s inner being – which becomes possible when the responsiveness and luminosity of which you speak in your letter increase and become normal, for then you are constantly aware of your inner being and even live in it – the outer becomes an instrument, a means of communication and action in the outer world. It is then possible to make the relations with people outside free from tie or necessary reaction – one can determine from within one’s own reaction or absence of reaction: there is a fundamental liberation from the external nexuses – of course, if one wills it to be so.