Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
06. Sadhana through Meditation
Fragment ID: 1393
If you try to apply everything you read, there will be no end to your new beginnings. One can stop thinking by rejecting the thoughts and in the silence discover oneself. One can do it by letting the thoughts run down while one detaches oneself from them. There are a number of other ways. This one related in X’s book seems to me the Adwaita-jnani method of separating oneself from body, vital, mind, by viveka, discrimination, “I am not the body, I am not the life, I am not the mind” till he gets to the self, separate from mind, life and body. That also is one way of doing it. There is also the separation of Purusha from Prakriti till one becomes the witness only and feels separate from all the activities as the Witness Consciousness. There are other methods also.