Sri Aurobindo
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
06. Sadhana through Meditation
Fragment ID: 1383
What you saw about the outward going movements was certainly not imagination, it was a true and accurate perception and vision of their action. To feel yourself separate from them and see them is the right inner condition necessary for getting rid of them in the end altogether.
Concentration is very helpful and necessary – the more one concentrates (of course in the limits of the body’s capacity without straining it), the more the force of the yoga grows. But you must be prepared for the meditation being sometimes not successful and not get upset by it – for that variability of the meditations happens to everybody. There are different causes for it. But it is mostly something physical that interferes, either the need of the body to take time to assimilate what has come or been done; sometimes inertia or dullness due to causes such as those you mention or others. The best thing is to remain quiet and not get or nervous or dejected – till the force acts again.