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Sri Aurobindo

Letters of Sri Aurobindo

5. Planes and Parts of the Being

Fragment ID: 536

The centres or Chakras are seven in number: –

1. The thousand-petalled lotus on the top of the head.

2. In the middle of the forehead – the Ajna Chakra – (will, vision, dynamic thought).

3. Throat centre – externalising mind.

4. Heart-lotus – emotional centre. The psychic is behind it.

5. Navel – higher vital (proper).

6. Below navel – lower vital.

7. Muladhara – physical.

All these centres are in the middle of the body; they are supposed to be attached to the spinal cord; but in fact all these things are in the subtle body, sūkṣma deha, though one has the feeling of their activities as if in the physical body when the consciousness is awake.