Album: The Mother at the Centre of Education (15) (10 - 20)

Photograph ID : 152/15 |
Year : 1952 | Month : January | Day : 06
Photographer : Venkatesh
Place : Centre of Education
Other People in the photograph : Amrita, Lilou, Ansuya, Khirod, Chum, Sisir, Udar, Pavitra, Chandrakant, Amiyo, Narendra, Jugall, Jyotin, Nirod, vishwanath, Dyuman, Counnouma

Mother after inaugurating the Centre of Education (Amrita, Lilou, Anduya, Khirod, Chum, Sisir, Udar, Pavitra, Chandrakant, Amiyo, Narendra, Jugall, Jyotin, Nirod, Vishwanath, Dyuman, Counnouma)