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The Mother, handwritings

Personal messages

Messages, letters, notes

Never worry. Do with sincerity all you do and leave the results to the Divine ’s care.

PHOTO ID: 01898


To come closer to the Truth, you must often accept not to understand.

PHOTO ID: 01899

SOURCE: Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.- XXII 4 11-1970.- P. 133


He who is faultless does not care for the opinion of others.

PHOTO ID: 01900


A happy beginning, a good continuation and no end – an endless progression

PHOTO ID: 01901

SOURCE: Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.- XXIII 1 02-1971-P P 161


You who are young, are the hope of the country. Prepare yourself to be worthy of this expectation. Blessings

PHOTO ID: 01902

SOURCE: Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.- XXIII 2 04-1971


To give to the Divine what one has in excess is not an offering. One should give at least something out of what one needs.

PHOTO ID: 01903

SOURCE: Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.- XXIII 3 08-1971


Let the past be past. Concentrate only on the Eternal

PHOTO ID: 01904

SOURCE: Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.- XXIV 4 11-1972


Faithfulness is the sure basis of success (18.4.1959)

14 May 1957

PHOTO ID: 15763


a beautiful house in a beautiful place offered by a beautiful heart (14.05.1961)

14 May 1961

PHOTO ID: 15764


My dear child,

I do not see that the Supramental will act in the way you expect from It. Its action will be to effectuate the Divine’s Will upon earth whatever that may be. On men Its action will be to turn their will consciously or unconsciously on their part towards the way in which the Divine’s Will wants them to go.

But I cannot promise you that the Divine’s will is to preserve the present human civilisation.

My love and blessings

A letter to Prithwi Singh

30 August 1945

PHOTO ID: 00502

SOURCE: Sri Aurobindo and Mother to Prithwi Singh: Correspondence (1933-1967) / Edited by Sujata Nahar and Michel Danino. - First edition. – Faridabad (India): Printed at Thomson Press.- p.122- ISBN 81-85137-4


(at the top - The Mother’s correction of Prithwi Singh’s letter)

It is purposely that I have left my body, I will not come back into it, I will return in a new body, the first body built in the supramental way.

(at the bottom - the Mother’s answer:)

I am sending you the corrected version — but it is for yourself alone and not to be shown to others.

With my love and blessings

12 June 1953

PHOTO ID: 00503

SOURCE: Sri Aurobindo and Mother to Prithwi Singh: Correspondence (1933-1967) / Edited by Sujata Nahar and Michel Danino. - First edition. – Faridabad (India): Printed at Thomson Press.- p.159- ISBN 81-85137-4


     Q: Bien que je sois très éloigné de l’état où je pourrais toujours demeurer à Tes pieds, je Te prie de m’y conduire.

A: La façon la plus prompte est de t’unir de plus en plus à ton être psychique, car ton être psychique est très intimement proche de moi.



Q: Although I am very far from the state where I could always remain at Your feet, I pray to You to lead me there.

A: The quickest way is to unite more and more with your psychic being, because your psychic being is near to me very intimately.

20 June 1967

PHOTO ID: 09264

SOURCE: On the Path = En route: The Mother’s Correspondence with Shyam Sundar / Translated from French into English.– 1st ed. (1987).– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1999.– 158 p.


     Q: Dans le cas des choses profondes, la vraie compréhension vient souvent quand je n’essaye pas de comprendre.

A: C’est toujours le mental qui essaye de comprendre — les choses extérieures et superficielles, il peut les comprendre et même les expliquer — mais les choses profondes, il ne les comprend pas; elles appartiennent à un autre domaine, à une lumière plus haute et plus pure. C’est seulement quand le mental est silencieux que cette Conscience s’éveille en nous, et elle comprend.


Q: In the case of profound things the true understanding often comes when I do not try to understand.

A: It is always the mind that tries to understand – the outer and superficial things it can understand and even explain – but the profound things it does not understand; they belong to another domain, to a higher and purer light. It is only when the mind is silent that this Consciousness wakes up in us, and it understands.

10 April 1969

PHOTO ID: 09265

SOURCE: On the Path = En route: The Mother’s Correspondence with Shyam Sundar / Translated from French into English.– 1st ed. (1987).– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1999.– 158 p.


     Q: Pour établir le règne du Divin sur la terre, lequel est le plus lent, l’homme ou le Divin Lui-même?

A: Pour l’homme le Divin paraît lent.

Au regard du Divin l’homme est bien lent!

Mais peut-être que dans les deux cas, la lenteur n’est pas la même.


Q: To establish the reign of the Divine on earth, who is slower – man or the Divine Himself?

A: To man the Divine seems slow.

In the eyes of the Divine man is slow indeed!

But in these two cases the slowness is perhaps not the same.

20 July 1967

PHOTO ID: 09266

SOURCE: On the Path = En route: The Mother’s Correspondence with Shyam Sundar / Translated from French into English.– 1st ed. (1987).– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1999.– 158 p.


Commerce under Sri Aurobindo’s Guidance, blessings

6 March 1973

PHOTO ID: 15844


India shall take her true place in the world only when she will become integrally the messenger of the Divine Life

24 April 1972

PHOTO ID: 15889


The time has come for the rule of falsehood to end. In the Truth alone is salvation.

25 December 1971

PHOTO ID: 15890


Our best help is faith - the Divine is all merciful. With love and blessings

PHOTO ID: 15891

In Russian