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Their Spiritual significance

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Integral simplicity

The simplicity which is the consequence of perfect sincerity.


Vittadinia cuneata DC (Asteraceae [= Compositae])

Creeping daisy


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Integral simplicity

As soon as all effort disappears from a manifestation, it becomes very simple, with the simplicity of a flower opening, manifesting its beauty and spreading its fragrance without clamour or vehement gesture. And in this simplicity lies the greatest power, the power which is least mixed and least gives rise to harmful reactions. The power of the vital should be mistrusted, it is a tempter on the path of the work, and there is always a risk of falling into its trap, for it gives you the taste of immediate results; and, in our first eagerness to do the work well, we let ourselves be carried away to make use of this power. But very soon it deflects all our action from the right course and introduces a seed of illusion and death into what we do.

Simplicity, simplicity! How sweet is the purity of Thy Presence!...

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 1.- Prayers And Meditations

But calm in the body is indispensable. Well, for me also Sri Aurobindo's answer is always the same: Be simple, be simple, very simple.

And I know what he means: to deny entry to regimenting, organizing, prescriptive, judgmental thought - he wants none of all that. What he calls being simple is a joyous spontaneity; in action, in expression, in movement, in life - be simple, be simple, be simple. A joyous spontaneity. To rediscover in evolution that condition he calls divine, which was a spontaneous and happy condition. He wants us to rediscover that. And for days now he has been here telling me (and the same goes for your work): Be simple, be simple, be simple. And in his simplicity was a luminous joy.

A joyous spontaneity.

What's terrible is this organizing mind. It's terrible! It has us so convinced that we can't do without it that it's very difficult to resist. Indeed, it has convinced all humanity. The whole so-called elite of humanity has been convinced that nothing worthwhile can be achieved without this mental organizing power.

But Sri Aurobindo wants us to have the same simple joy as a blossoming rose: Be simple, be simple, be simple. And when I hear it or see it, it's like a rivulet of golden light, like a fragrant garden - all, all, all is open. Be simple.

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 2. - 1961

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