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Their Spiritual significance

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Consolation (early name)

The blessings the Divine grants us.

Mirabilis jalapa L. (Nyctaginaceae)

Marvel of Peru

Several colours

Additional information

Marvel of Peru

When I used to go out in the evenings - towards the end of the afternoon I used to go for a walk with Monsieur X to see the countryside, go walking in the mountains, the neighbouring villages - I used to lock my door; it was a habit with me, I always locked my door. Madame X would rarely go out, for the reasons I have already mentioned, because she was in a trance most of the time and liked to stay at home. But when I returned from the walk and opened my door - which was locked, and therefore nobody could have entered - I would always find a kind of little garland of flowers on my pillow. They were flowers which grew in the garden, they are called Belles de Nuit; we have them here, they open in the evening and have a wonderful fragrance. There was a whole alley of them, with big bushes as high as this; they are remarkable flowers - I believe it's the same here - on the same bush there are different coloured flowers: yellow, red, mixed, violet. They are tiny flowers like... bluebells; no, rather like the convolvulus, but these grow on bushes - convolvulus is a creeper, these are bushes - we have some here in the garden. She always used to put some behind her ears, for they have a lovely smell, oh! delightfully beautiful. And so, she used to take a walk in the alley between these big bushes which were quite high, and she gathered flowers, and - when I came back, these flowers were in my room!... She never told me how she did it, but she certainly did not go in there. Once she said to me, "Were there no flowers in your room?" - "Ah! yes, indeed," I said. And that was all. Then I knew it was she who had put them there.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 9. - Questions And Answers (1957)

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