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Their Spiritual significance

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Artistic sensitivity

A powerful aid to fight ugliness.


Ipomoea tricolor Cav. (Convolvulaceae)


Blue flower with a white throat.

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For one who has more inner sensitivity, appearances are no longer deceptive and he can perceive the ugliness hidden beneath a pretty face and the beauty concealed beneath a mask of ugliness.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 10. - The Thoughts and Aphorismes

But of course, the distinction isn't clear-cut, it's not easy to say, "Oh, this comes from here (gesture to a particular level) , oh, that comes from there (gesture to another level)." But there is a movement above and another below.

So I think the "sadhana" would consist in sifting it out, or rather in developing a sensitivity such that the difference would become clear, quite perceptible, so it would no longer be the mind that chose and said, "This is all right, that isn't." There would be a spontaneous adherence to what is clothed in this light from above and a rejection of what isn't. The sadhana would consist in developing this sensitivity by separating yourself from the old movement, by taking the old movement outside you.

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 7. - 1966

A sort of clearsighted sensitivity for all that comes to... to be done or said or decided (it comes from people and circumstances)....

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 10. - 1969

The only way to relieve others, to eliminate a little suffering in this world, is not to allow any sensitivity, however painful it may seem, to arouse suffering in yourself or to disturb your peace and serenity.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 2. - The Path of Later On

With the development of the psychic being, the sensitivity of the being grows. And with the growth of sensitivity there is also the growth of the capacity for suffering; but there is the counterpart, that is, to the extent to which one is in relation with the psychic being, one faces the circumstances of life in an altogether different way and with a kind of inner freedom which makes one capable of withdrawing from a circumstance and not feeling the shock in the ordinary way. You can face the difficulty or outer things with calm, peace, and a sufficient inner knowledge not to be troubled. So, on one side you are more sensitive and on the other you have more strength to deal with the sensitivity.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 7. - Questions And Answers (1955)

It comes when one has a sufficiently delicate and refined sensitivity to perceive clearly the value of a vibration; all vibrations that come from external activities, whether mental, vital or physical, or even psychic, have a particular quality, but what comes from the divine influence is of an absolutely different nature and quality. In order to be able to distinguish this, one must first of all have felt both; and even when one has felt both, one must be very calm, very attentive, indeed very still within, to be able to distinguish between them and not make a mistake.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 6. - Questions And Answers (1954)

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