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Their Spiritual significance

Photo Collection

Manifold Generosity

All in Nature is spontaneously generous.


Impatiens balsamina L. (Balsaminaceae)

Spotted snapweed

All bicoloured flowers except pink and red.

Additional information

I was holding one of these flowers (Integral Generosity) in my hand when I saw Z, and I explained to him what I meant by "integral generosity." The effect of the ego, I told him, is to shrivel the being. It's the cause of aging, it dries you up - the being shrivels under it like a withering flower. And as I was speaking to him, the experience came; all I remember now is the idea, but the idea is nothing - the experience itself was there.

I know that at a certain moment I was making the distinction between the two states, between the person - the individual, personal being - turning towards the Lord, imploring Him to reveal His Will, and then this experience of becoming - by extending oneself, by opening, by enlarging, by merging into the creation - of BECOMING the Will of the Lord, the Supreme's Will. No longer any need to implore Him, to "know" His Will and receive it like something foreign to you - you become that Will.

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 2. - 1961

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