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Their Spiritual significance

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Gives itself freely and satisfies innumerable needs


Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae [= Palmae])

Coconut palm

Pale golden orange

Additional information

Coconut palm

(Mother takes Satprem's hands. Then Sujata approaches. Let us note that Sujata had suggested to one of the attendants who prepares Mother's food to prepare some coconut water for her. The suggestions was reported to Mother. Behind Mother's reply we can glimpse a whole world of things.)

It is rather the WAY of preparing things than new things.

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 12. - 1971

The trees (Mother looks at the coconut tree in front of her window) that were stripped by the cyclone; this one held up so marvelously and it has a new flower - it has old leaves damaged by the cyclone, but it has grown a new flower. So lovely, so fresh!

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 4. - 1963


The Many are the innumerable One,

The One carries the multitude in his breast

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 30 Volumes. - Volumes 28-29. - Savitri

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