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Their Spiritual significance

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Material power to heal

Demands a great sincerity in one’s goodwill.


Calandrinia grandiflora Lindl. (Portulacaceae)

Rock purslane

Bright pink

Additional information

Rock purslane

(Sujata gives Mother a recently named flower: "Material power of healing.")

I would like that to be permanently established. When someone tells me, "I have a pain here," I pass my hand like that and it's over.

The hands feel, they feel it's possible. They are so conscious of the Vibration - they feel that anything is possible. The other day, E. fell down, I don't know how, and she injured her knee, she was covered with bruises and scratches. And she wore a dress that only reached down to here (!), so I saw. I said, "What happened?" She answered, "I fell down." Then this hand (Mother's right hand) quite spontaneously went and passed over her knee, like that, and I felt all the vibrations at my fingertips: it's like needles - needles of light - and it vibrates and vibrates and vibrates. So I put my hand like that, and suddenly she said, "Oh!..." She was flabbergasted: all the pain had gone.

The Mother

The Mother. Agenda. - Volume 7. - 1966

Our material world is the result of all the others, for the other principles have all descended into Matter to create the physical universe, and every particle of what we call Matter contains all of them implicit in itself.

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 30 Volumes. - Volume 18. - The Life Divine: Books 1

Matter is the form of substance of being which the existence of Sachchidananda assumes when it subjects itself to this phenomenal action of its own consciousness and force.

Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library in 30 Volumes. - Volume 18. - The Life Divine: Books 1

For one who knows how to see behind appearances, there is, hidden at the centre of this Matter - at the centre of each atom of this Matter - there is, hidden, the Supreme Divine Reality working from within, gradually, through the millennia, to change this inert Matter into something that is expressive enough to be able to reveal the Spirit within.

The Mother

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother.- Volume 9. - Questions And Answers (1957)

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