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At the Feet of The Mother
The urge to help is one of the impulses that characterise the nobler side of our humanity. It is also a first corrective to our grosser forms of egoism and reminds us that we are neither isolated nor alone.
The lovers of the gold-pot can be left to their earnings and hoardings but the lovers of high and noble things, the lovers of idealism, the lovers of poetry and literature and art for the joy of it, the lovers of true love are the ones who are remembered when time enters an age to sweep it clear of all that is dead and gone.
You must neither turn with an ascetic shrinking from the money power, the means it gives and the objects it brings, nor cherish a rajasic attachment to them or a spirit of enslaving self-indulgence in their gratifications.
True love is indeed a divinity in its own right. If true love is there or at least an effort towards it then one is already striving on the Path. It does not matter whether one outwardly believes in god or not or is into some formal practice. [w]
This talk touches upon various aspects of decision-making such as choices and their consequences; making a conscious choice; ego-driven and true individual-driven impulsions; immediate and long term results of our actions. Some practical advices on making a decision are also given.
The ego is surely the instrument for individualisation; that is, until one is an individualised being, constituted in himself, the ego is an absolutely necessary factor.... But once the individuality has been formed, the ego becomes not only useless but harmful.
This realm of bright gods who inspire our thoughts from the heights have their station here, in this Kingdom of the Greater Mind. Still it is the Mind and hence the ultimate reconciliation cannot be found here.
Video in Hindi
This talk is a summary of Book Two Canto Twelve of Savitri. Climbing through the summit of Thought Aswapati now enters the realm of Ideas where the forces of Truth are unleashed like rays as phalanx from the body of Light.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
Sri Aurobindo said that when He was in jail the Gita was put into His hand. ... So He told us that this Gita was given to Him by Sri Krishna; and if you read Essays on the Gita, which I recommend very strongly to all of you, those particularly who are grown up, you will have no doubt that it was Sri Aurobindo Himself who was Sri Krishna.