Many Indians as well as people of other nations have strong sentiments caused by recent destructive activities of hostile and adverse actors. Yet our best attitude is to stay calm and invoke the Divine Grace which alone has the Wisdom and the Power to remove what must be removed out of creation and to transform what is ready to be transformed.
The Divine does not act in haste and gives the fullest possible chance to everything and everyone to change. No doubt that numerous organisations and groups in the society have become factories of evil, busy with engineering the drama of Death and Falsehood. But seen in another way they are absorbing the evil of the world and hence in a way keeping the rest of the world freer as well as challenging us to awaken courage and strength within us. When a reasonable number of human beings grow sincere and turn towards the Divine Light and Truth and Love, when a certain number of people reject the claims of death and falsehood and evil from their hearts then this entire dark web will collapse. Were it to collapse now it would be devastating to a large section of humanity which directly or indirectly supports this evil out of their ignorance. This humanity is capable of change and cannot be discarded without giving it its fair chance to change.
This process of sorting out based on the choices we make has already started. It is just a question of time which from human standards may seem long but seen from a larger cosmic perspective is close enough to say that it is at its end. The present equations of the world and the alignment of nations is based on vested interests of oil wealth and the ambitious urge to dominate and control the nations through money, militancy and military might. This equation is not sustainable for long. The axis of power is already shifting and it will not be long when the world would find itself freed from despotic rulers and tyrants. Until then we have to endure with faith, do what we are called upon to do according to our swadharma but most importantly stay focused on the New Creation that alone will be the radical solution to all the ills past and present that vex humanity.
We can be assured that not only India but every country in the world, every human being in fact that stands for Truth is safe. Much of the rest will collapse and the day is perhaps nearer than we imagine.
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)