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At the Feet of The Mother


Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"On our road from Matter to eternal Self, To the Light that made the worlds, the Cause of things, Well might interpret our mind’s limited view Existence as an accident in Time, Illusion or phenomenon or freak....."
"... on the morning of 17th November at about nine o’clock, a particular friend of mine — he has certain grounding in occult experience, occult knowledge, and normally when we meet, we exchange notes — told me, “I have seen The Mother’s body of light.” I got interested. He said, “The new body is full of light but it is not yet dense enough to function in the earth conditions..... ” And he added, “Those who are capable of seeing the Mother’s halo, aura, they will be able to see that luminous body.”
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"As long as the human animal is lord And a dense nether nature screens the soul, As long as intellect’s outward-gazing sight Serves earthy interest and creature joys, An incurable littleness pursues his days."
"... An algebra of signs, a scheme of sense, A symbol language without depth or wings, A power to handle deftly outward things Are our scant earnings of intelligence."
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"...Ourselves incapable to build our fate Only as actors speak and strut our parts Until the piece is done and we pass off Into a brighter Time and subtler Space."