Dr Indra Sen, I was told by his daughter Aster, would often think of me and remember me during his last period of illness. I cannot figure out the reason that made him do so. Of course, we had known each other for decades. To be exact since 1938, when I had begun to serve Sri Aurobindo. But our relationship was not deep, at least outwardly, and I did not know much about him except that he was a cultured man and a noted psychologist. In fact there was nothing much in common between us. He was an intellectual and his interest therefore lay in studies and seeking for knowledge, and his association too was with an intellectual circle of friends. We had not met even once for talks on any subject. Still whenever we met or passed each other, he had always a sweet smile for me. Quite a number of notable men used to come to him in the early days. He would bring them and introduce me to them as being in the personal service of Sri Aurobindo. He was always affable, sweet and courteous, in a word, a gentleman.
During his last protracted illness when I went to visit him, he was in indrawn condition. Aster, his daughter, called to him saying that I had come to see him. He opened his eyes and gave me a sweet smile of recognition.
I don’t understand why the older sadhaks are now subject to a long period of illness before they pass away. I believe, however, that some inner work goes to prepare them for a greater new birth. That was the impression I had in the case of Dr. Indra Sen.
I was very touched indeed by his kind remembrance of me. Perhaps it was for one reason alone — that I was in close contact with Sri Aurobindo. That shows again his deep love for the Master. I may mention that his love for the Mother and Master was very genuine indeed and he has helped the cause of the Ashram in whatever way he could. Apart from spreading the Master’s teachings by way of organising seminars, lectures, etc., most of the summer fruits like apples, pears, plums which are distributed in the Ashram and which we enjoy so much are from his orchard in Tapogiri which he has offered to the Mother.
His wife is also a very sweet and educated lady. She enjoyed the company of the Mother in the Playground. At the Mother’s behest she took up Social Service and was awarded the Padmashree title for it. Their daughter Aster took the Ph.D. in Philosophy at Sorbonne and is now an important member of the Auroville Committee.
On March 19, 1993, Aster brought me a message from her father: “I wish to convey to him that, spiritually, I am ascending to meet the Divine and unite with Him.”
May the Lord and the Mother bless this noble soul.
(Mother India, June 1994)
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