Mother Divine, Maa,
human life, especially in the cities is so cramped up psychologically. Man lives as if wearing a mask of fears and anxieties or attachments and pleasure-hunts that cover and blind his eyes, isolate him from all the beauty and joy around. He is shut to the inner peace and joy and closed in a narrow cage of thoughts and feelings and efforts centered around his little self and desires, he has totally lost the natural harmony with the rest of creation. He is shut up, as it were in the prison of an ignorant mind and limited senses that conceals much more than it reveals. A limited mind and limited effort build the psychological house we dwell in. But Thou wouldst want us to be wide and supple, equal and in harmony with all this that is.
Maa, may all our inner doors and windows open to Thy vast Immensity and stepping out of the prison of the ego may we lose our separate self and rediscover ourselves in Thee, breathe Thy infinity, live in Thy eternity. May we recover the lost harmony on a new and diviner basis. May we be nothing so that we may be one with all in Thee.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa
About Savitri | B1C3-08 The New Life (pp.28-29)