Sweet and infinite Mother, Mother Divine
We are Thine for all eternity. Receive our humble offering, the offering of our self and life and all we are and do. Accept our surrender and make us Thy true children and worthy instruments to serve Thee and fulfil Thy Will in the world.
Maa show us the way, open all the roads that lead us to Thee, give us the unflinching faith to walk the Sunlit Path with complete confidence in Thy Grace. Give us the endurance to go through the journey, the determination and the perseverance needed to arrive at the goal, the calm courage that never falters, the aspiration that never sinks, the patience that never fails. Fill our hearts with the purest devotion and Love for Thee.
With completest submission and gratitude we bow to Thee, O Love Supreme.
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)