Q: When The Divine Mother takes charge of our whole being, which things are being done by the parts of being without choice? Or saying it differently, please give examples how mind thinks and heart reacts when The Mother has taken charge of the parts of the being.
ALOKDA: In terms of the Yoga philosophy and psychology, man has a double nature.
The first is what he naturally inherits due to his evolutionary animal past. It is what we are today. It is referred to as the ignorant lower nature. It includes not only food, sleep, sex but also all our present normal thoughts, feelings, will, actions driven by ego and desire and its attendant fear, ambition, lust, anger etc.
The second is what he is being prepared for by the Divine. We can call it the Higher Divine Supernature. It is moved by the Divine Force instead of desire.
As ego self is replaced by the psychic being, the human nature is transformed into the Divine Nature, where it is always a self-existent peace and joy not dependent upon any outer condition, the heart is full of sweetness and universal love that does not expect anything in return since it receives everything from the Divine, the life energy is strong, healthy, luminous, pure, the mind receives knowledge directly from the Divine Source of all knowledge through faculties of inspiration, intuition, revelation. Even the body begins to change in terms of renewal of energy, overcoming fatigue, the power to reject illness and get cured quickly, slow and delay the ageing process.
About Savitri | B1C3-08 The New Life (pp.28-29)