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At the Feet of The Mother

Talks by Other Disciples and Devotees

Talks of Disciples and Devotees, Related to the Integral Yoga.
To listen off-line, download in MP3 from the ZIP ARCHIVE

"... we are turned towards that light, and we read Savitri with veneration and devotion, and it gives us a great deal. So we have some work to do, a whole programme to work out, and we all share in the promise of which this Book of Promise is full. And we know what to do for the rest of our lives. Happy travels!"
"... on the morning of 17th November at about nine o’clock, a particular friend of mine — he has certain grounding in occult experience, occult knowledge, and normally when we meet, we exchange notes — told me, “I have seen The Mother’s body of light.” I got interested. He said, “The new body is full of light but it is not yet dense enough to function in the earth conditions..... ” And he added, “Those who are capable of seeing the Mother’s halo, aura, they will be able to see that luminous body.”
... With a book in his lap and his back towards me, he opened both his hands upwards and started chanting Mantras. They were The Mother’s Prayers in French: ‘Seigneur! Toi a Toi …’, complete prayers. And all the time both his hands were sending waves of his aspiration upwards…