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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Offerings from Alokda

August 16, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Maa, may humanity open to the New Light brought to earth by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Maa, may the New Idea take hold of the human mind and the human brain be adapted to receive and express the New Thought.

Maa may the human race grow amorous of the Divine Love and transformed by its alchemist touch move towards the New Creation.

Maa may this mind-based egocentric civilisation that is ending give way to the Divine Superhumanity of the Future.

May Thy Light and Love manifest in all. May Thy Divine Harmony and Peace reign and Thy Law of Beauty and Truth govern earthly life.

Growth of Consciousness

 Is the body purely matter? How is it different from metal or mud? What is the link between a human being, his body and the matter of which it is formed? Seers, since ancient times have said that it is ’consciousness’ or the ’spirit-that-moves-in-all things’. This article explores this aspect deeply and gives us a tool to mould our bodies.


The body can change by the power of consciousness from within. In fact, we see this happening more often than we believe. A blind man performs the function of sight by the development of other organs. The consciousness involved in the organ of sight withdraws itself and puts a pressure on other centres and organs for them to develop.

Even the normal functioning of the body reveals that the seemingly blind and mechanical movements of the organ-systems are secret with a tremendous intelligence. There is a conscious manipulation, an intelligent adaptation even at the most minute level, in the molecular dealings. Many organs even directly respond to thought suggestions, feelings, desires and emotions, movements which we associate with a certain degree of developed awareness. Quantitatively too, we have already alluded to the fact that the body can be made to do things which appear impossible. And this happens not only as a result of methodical training but also during moments of intense crises. A sense of danger or an overwhelming emotion (conscious experience) triggers a cascade of physical responses through glandular secretions.

Perhaps the links are there through ‘nadis’ (subtle nerve sheaths) in the energy body. These subtle nerve sheaths serve to mediate between the universal forces and the individual. They are like so many knots or centres through which the physical consciousness and other levels of consciousness pass into the gross body and influence its behavior and change it. What we observe and record as symptoms are the end point of processes in a chain of events. This was well demonstrated by the famous experiment of Sanger. Two groups of subjects were injected adrenaline. One was shown a pleasant film while the other a horror movie. Adrenaline gave rise to joy in the former group and fear in the latter. Thus the body processes have common pathways to accommodate many types of experiences and forces and vibrations. The difference is not due to the pathways but due to the intensity of the energy-stimulus.

The human body has been designed to interpret certain intensities of vibrations and leave out others. Sight for example responds to a very narrow range of visual energies; so with hearing and touch and other senses. Even the sense of pain, pleasure and indifference are a limitation, necessary for the body in our present stage of evolution but not an absolute truth in itself.

It is possible to neutralise pain by conscious will. Instances are known wherein people could pierce their tongue with needles, walk on burning coal and not get hurt or burnt. It is also known that our conscious will can modify pain by a certain psychological process into joy. One can go as far as changing the action of a chemical through consciousness. In an experiment, saccharin was paired with cyclophosphamide (an immunosuppressant). Later, cyclophosphamide was removed and only saccharin given. The body still responded with immuno-suppression. Such a learning would not be possible if the body was a fixed structure. In fact the body is much more plastic than we usually believe it to be. It responds wonderfully to psychological forces. Only we do not utilise this capacity and disbelieve this knowledge.

Growth – the Physical Dimension

To learn how to alter the body processes to our advantage is therefore possible. But for this two things are necessary. One, we must be able to disengage, discover and develop the powers of the hidden physical consciousness in us. Second, we must rediscover the now lost knowledge which links the body-organ systems to the different levels of consciousness and the effects of their corresponding movements.

All physical culture and discipline is essentially a means to develop the physical consciousness and through it make the body strong and healthy, more plastic and adaptable. It is also a means to infuse consciousness into the very cells of the body.

Many parts of the body are not yet under conscious voluntary control of the mind or will. It is however possible to do so through the power of suggestion and imagery. Over a period of time, through practice, the body can be made to respond to the power of thought-will in those parts also which are normally not under its control. Just as anastomoses develop to meet the increased demands of oxygen, so too new nerve channels can develop to link up the organ.

This is not an impossibility – nerves too are known to respond to necessities of growth. New dendrites are known to develop in the brain to accommodate a greater pressure of information and learning. Yogis less restricted in approach and less conditioned to the idea of physical fixity know this very well. Elaborate techniques (pranayama for instance) have been developed to clear the nerve channels, open them and create new ones. It is thus that through rigorous and painstaking discipline and practice even the most autonomous organs can be brought under conscious control. Not only that but the body can also draw energy directly through the senses and live without food. The art/science of converting this directly drawn energy into gross material substance was however not known and hence a minimal intake of food became necessary to provide the substance for the material stuff of the body.

An instance is known in the life of Sri Aurobindo wherein during one such experiment with the body consciousness, he took nothing for 21 days and carried on with hours of walk, regular writing and all other activities without the least diminution of energy. One can also learn to conserve the energy normally lost through sex, speech and other forms of restless, incessant, meaningless dissipative activities transmute it into forms of emotional, vital, mental and spiritual energy for corresponding actions.

Growth — the Spiritual Dimension

But most of all the consciousness can grow and develop by opening itself to a consciousness higher than the mind. This it can do by two methods. One method is to first bring the body under the control of the mind. Next, one can use the mind as a mediating link by opening it to higher ranges of consciousness through faith, aspiration, invocation or offering. The mind of man can, instead of moving in fixed, narrow circles of conditioning, open to wider and higher movements. Thus, one can bring down the power of ‘peace’ and ‘stillness’ into the body through the mind. Peace and stillness are concrete forces that can actually alter the sense-perception, cancel pain, give a sense of rest and well-being, create conditions of harmony and the early return of balance and health, even effectuate a cure. A disturbance of the body’s normal rhythm can arise due to strong and violent internal forces like anger and fear (observe how our breath becomes irregular under the influence of these movements) or the impact of strong external forces impinging and crowding upon us. Peace, if invoked, restores the inner rhythm by calming the system and its violent upheaval. But it can also create a wall of stillness that separates us and our senses from contact with strongly violent forces that come from outside.

Whatever enters the atmosphere of peace and wherever peace penetrates there it creates a quietening effect.

Peace however is only one such higher force which our body-mind conglomerate is not normally aware of. There are other even stronger forces that can help the body consciousness to grow and develop—the forces of Wideness, Harmony, Strength, Love, Beauty, Delight and the mysterious and wonderful power of Grace.

However the Mind is not the only way through which one can open the body-consciousness to the action of higher forces. The body contains in itself its own principle of divinity and if one can, through practice learn to still the body and concentrate its energy on a point, a moment comes when the physical consciousness is disengaged and can directly open to higher forces. This originally was the principle of Hatha Yoga. But it requires a very arduous, painstaking difficult and time-consuming labour. The method of opening through the mind is easier and swifter.

Apart from these two methods is the discovery of the secret soul, the psychic being within oneself. This is the divine principle in man, the secret psychological centre which is the key to everything else. It holds all the movements of our complex nature together. Once discovered, the psychic being can spontaneously bring the body into contact with the highest forces to which even the mind and life in us has no access.

Our body has learned to respond to ignorant forces like fear, desire, pain and pleasure, greed and lust. The price it pays for this contagion is a wearing out, exhaustion, premature decay, disease and illness. But it can also learn to open to the influence of higher forces and develop harmoniously and function smoothly under their pressure.

For a fuller understanding of the process of a consciousness approach to health and healing, we have to turn for a while towards understanding of the principle and power of consciousness itself.

Source of Consciousness

We have been referring to a higher as well as lower consciousness and its action upon the body. All this may present a picture as if there are different types of consciousness and also that the body is different from the consciousness.

This may be true from a strictly pragmatic point of view. It is also easier for our sense-experience mind to understand things by contrast and comparison. But it is not the whole truth of the matter and leaves many gaps and unresolved questions.

The original truth is essentially oneness, whatever we call it. Yet, right up to the atom we find differentiation and differences (even the constituting charges are not one but two or three or more). This problem arises because we have been working the creation backwards. But once we open to the other end of the experience we see that the roots of creation are not in the atomic void but elsewhere. We then begin to discover through hidden faculties that at the origin there is something that nothing can describe. It is supremely undifferentiated, an infinite and eternal, concealing or showing itself through infinite ways. No law can be made of it, no symbol or language or formula describe it. It simply ‘is’ or ‘is not’. The ancients gave it the name of ‘Parabrahman’—the Reality that transcends all and yet contains all.

Consciousness is the power of this Reality. The one consciousness becomes many by a process of differentiation and concentration or we may say absorption and involution. Thus we have the many levels and layers of ‘consciousness’ arising out of the one consciousness, yet supported by it. Thus is also created a hierarchy of planes’ and substances’ and energies and systems of worlds that finally precipitate themselves into the atomic void or gross matter as we know it. Thus matter and its processes are the last step, in the process of differentiation and involution making them dense and limited. So an emergence out of it brings forth all the hidden possibilities. Each hidden possibility that emerges alters matter, making it more pliable, capable and subtle. This is another process of evolution.

The Evolutionary Transformation of the Body

A perfectly healthy body as we envisage it now is a body fit, open and receptive to higher forces. Short of it there is only an absence of disease or its presence. The concept of health has shifted therefore from a passive to a dynamic one. Passive adaptation is the equilibrium that Nature creates between the organism and the world around it. Evolution follows by a temporary dissolution of this equilibrium! An active adaptation would therefore mean the ability of the body to not only survive but also to evolve by a collaboration with nature. The stress of survival is born because of a sense of separateness. Each organism therefore tries to overpower or ‘outsmart’ others in the competitive game of life. This leads to an equal adaptive reaction in other forms of life that assert their right to existence. The individual unit, holds out for a while against the rest, but, sooner or later succumbs as it must, since no individual form of life can be greater than the whole. But while the individual form cannot be greater than the whole, the individual can rediscover its link with the whole and thus arrive at a new mode of mastery.

Elimination versus Assimilation

If we step back from our excessive preoccupation with the individual forms and their differences, we find that all life is essentially one. So, as evolution proceeds, clash and strife are replaced more and more by assimilation, accommodation and transmutation. Growth, at a lesser level assumes the appearance of eliminative competition. Growth, at a higher level, assumes the appearance of acceptance and assimilation. At present, our body has developed capacities to fight and reject whatever is to it ‘not self’. In future, the body will develop the capacity to absorb and change the disparate elements into a harmonious element. But for this, we have to discover a new station of consciousness. Out of the strong separative sense, we have to grow into wholeness and oneness. Out of division and knowledge based upon division we have to grow into oneness and knowledge based upon unity. Obviously, there will be a period of transition and its attendant difficulties but once the body has discovered the new mode of functioning based upon oneness, there will the power of spontaneous immunity rather than simply a power to cure.

A Newer Reality

Thus seen, we understand many happenings in this world in a new way. The human body, on the one hand is being forced to bear the onslaught of a large number of toxins and poison as never before. Bacteria and viruses have taken a backseat. There are enough self-generated poisons: the industrial wastes, nuclear fall outs, drugs, insecticides, cosmetics (to name just a few), that threaten to eliminate the entire race. Or challenge it to evolve!

At another level, there are scientific studies to work on the oneness of physical matter. Organ transplants, cloning, breaking of biological boundaries through cross matings are all obscure ways through which a subconscious foundation for oneness is being laid. All this should not be taken to mean that this crisis is a good thing for there are simpler, safer, direct and better ways to evolve towards oneness. But Nature has taken this risky, bumping course only because man refuses to admit a straight, smooth road to evolution. Everything in us resists the evolutionary pressure and most of this resistance comes from our notion of distinct separateness that makes us blind to everything else in the universe.

Yet, man can collaborate in this great transition and evolutionary transformation of the body. How? That is the secret Sri Aurobindo had set about to discover in the ‘cave of tapasya’ at Pondicherry. He saw it with the lens of truth-vision that awakens in the yogi and the seer. The Mother practically applied this ‘secret’ on her own body. It is hardly possible to describe their yoga of the body-cells here. The true understanding however grows only through experience or identification with the truths thrown as powerful hints.

Sri Aurobindo writes,

“The essential purpose and sign of the growing evolution here is the emergence of consciousness in an apparently inconscient universe,…. As we rise we have to open to them our lower members and fill these with those superior and supreme dynamisms of light and power; the body we have to make a more and more and even entirely conscious frame and instrument, a conscious sign and seal and power of the spirit. As it grows in this perfection, the force and extent of its dynamic action and its response and service to the spirit must increase, the control of the spirit over it also must grow and the plasticity of its functioning both in its developed and acquired parts of power and in its automatic responses down to those that are now purely organic and seem to be the movements of a mechanic inconscience.”[SABCL 16:15]

Should Shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita Be Taken Literally or as Symbols Allowing Interpretation?

QUESTION (abridged):

Should all verses of the Gita be understood and followed literally, even if some appear be outdated or even not authentic, or they are rather symbolic rather than absolute truths and allow interpretation? Is it true that anybody passing during the six months the Sun travels north, attains the Supreme Brahman [Shlokas 8.24-25]?  


Your question regarding a few verses of the Gita raise two deeper question which are implied within it. They need to be dealt with before coming to the specific verses.

The first question is about the criteria that would decide whether a given scripture is the word of God or not. According to you either everything that it contains must be applicable for all times for a scripture to be the word of God. True it is that all scriptures, including the Gita have certain truths that are fundamental to our existence as well as unchanging and eternal. But to say that a scripture should not concern itself with the temporal events and prevalent practices is to say that God is unconcerned with the earthly play that takes place in Space and Time. All scriptures therefore contain and must necessarily contain both temporal as well as eternal elements. Not knowing the difference has led to so much confusion in the history of religions. Either the adherents blindly believe that everything in a scripture is meant for all times and thereby become rigid, orthodox and fanatics trying to impose it forcibly upon all. Or else declaring that the scripture is totally false in all its parts because some of it is not understandable. The logical fallacy is the assumption that God must not concern himself with the events and circumstances, beliefs and practices of the Time in which the scripture is given. Well, if this was so then God would not need to speak only once for all times. It is this logical fallacy that has led to and continues to harden Islam into a militant religion and has led many to leave Christianity because both ignorantly believe that God speaks only once and that is final with nothing to be added or subtracted from it. Hindu thought instead takes its stand on the evolutionary idea that as human consciousness evolves new scriptures are needed. Therefore, it believes in the new Avatar developing over the old in a progression of Divine embodiments and new scriptures replacing the old in certain respects even though the fundamental truths are the same. Sanatan Dharma also believes that there are bound to be a number of scriptures since the Divine is Infinite and hence He would convey or rather reveal the same truths differently to people in different stages of inner development. That is how we developed a truly inclusive rather than a cancel culture or a privileged exclusive club of a particular religion. In fact, it goes even further. Thus, Sri Krishna declares that while scriptures are a help, sometimes a great help, yet one should eventually go beyond every scripture, sabdbrahmativartate.

The second fallacy similarly concerns the use of symbols. We are again assuming that either everything must be symbolic or else physically factual to be true. Without going into the argument about what is factual we can easily see that there are things that need to be expressed symbolically using prevalent physical objects or actions to make them comprehensible. This applies especially to subjective and psychological as well as occult and profound spiritual experiences. Thus, for example a romantic poet uses the symbol of moon to express the intensity of his feelings. However, it is equally true that the moon does trigger heaving of sentiments in some people much like the water heaves during full moon nights leading to a high tide. The word yajna is used in the Gita most of the time, in fact consistently in this symbolic sense. How else do you understand when Sri Krishna says that it is by yajna that the world is created and by yajna it is governed. Yajna as fire bringing down rain is still understandable if you don’t limit yourself to the limited frameworks and discoveries of modern Science but how does one understand when Sri Krishna asks Arjun to offer his actions into a yajna. Do you mean he should light up a fire in the middle of the battlefield and keep looking at it or point his arrows thereby before shooting? Obviously not. It is only if you take yajna in the sense of a sacrifice or offering to the inner Fire of aspiration and the Divine Will and Energy that the word will fit everywhere and make sense consistently. Thus, when you offer your will and actions to the Divine Power within then it brings down the rains of God’s bounty from above. Incidentally a friend of mine, an extremely brilliant scientist who once worked on supercomputers and networking of banks did invent a device which would burn certain chemicals for cloud seeding from below. He called it the Varun yantra. So, we don’t know what technology was in use then but surely the image had been known to the Vedic seers who always associated fire with human aspiration supported by the Divine Power rising upwards and rain as Divine Forces pouring from above. I could go on describing so many such beautiful symbols in the Gita and the Vedas but that would make a very lengthy answer. If you are interested in a deeper study, you can check out Sri Aurobindo’s Essays on the Gita as well as The Secret of the Vedas.

As to the effect of solstice on the soul’s further journey the Gita surely gives it as a passing suggestion where one has to apply the symbolic sense that the Uttarayan is simply a soul that was already ascending upwards and hence after death it continues to ascend and become one with the Supreme Brahman. That Sri Krishna intends this is abundant if we see other verses wherein he states how the evil doers are cast into Asuric births and the importance of the aspiration at the moment of Death is so important. Again, it does not mean that the time and place of departure makes no difference at all. In the cosmic play, Time and Place have their own relative importance. For example, darkness and night is known to be a period when the Asuric and Rakshasic forces are at their worst. We can ourselves feel the difference in our inner state between early morning, midday, evening and at night by noticing what kind of thoughts and feelings pervade us, generally so to say. Of course, it will be an error to convert these temporary and relative truths into an absolute one like dying in Kashi to get moksha.

To sum up, the greatness of the Gita does not lie so much in its conceptual framework wherein Sri Krishna naturally uses prevalent ideas of Sankhya, Chaturvarnya, Yajna etc. but in its being a book revealing to us the principle of action so that our everyday life turns into a Karma Yoga, a Godward turning of our entire existence. It is not a handbook of ethics or a rule book of moral science with its strict dos and don’ts (and thank God or Krishna for that). Its concern is to lay down certain general principles of action following which the soul can arrive at inner freedom even while engaged in all kinds of activities. It leaves the rest for us to follow and make our choices rather than spoon feeds or forces us into blindly obeying its word. In the end it in fact says be full of God, follow Him give up yourself to Him rather than remain tied to even dharma and the scripture. God is greater than His Gospel and the law of action is an evolving dharma rather than a set of rules to be followed by all and for all times.

Alok Pandey


August 15, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Om Sri Aurobindo Mirra

Lord, Sri Aurobindo, we offer the salutation of our entire being to Thee.

Thou art the greatest of the great, mightier and more majestic than the Himalayas, grander than the galaxies, higher than the highest mountain summits, deeper than the Atlantic, vaster than the universe, brighter than our brightest suns put together, soothing as the gentle breeze in summer, more delightful than the full moon, tranquil as the clear pallid lake, , softer than the Rose petals, stronger than diamond, purer than Ganga in her heavenly home, gentle and fragrant as the lotus, more forbearing and patient than the earth, silent as Space and free as Time.

Thou art the final culmination of the line of Avatars, the supreme consummation of man’s spiritual quest for the Ultimate, the Lord of Yoga, the Vision of the Seer, the Master of man and his infinite lover, sole Beloved, the Friend forever and the unerring Guide, the charioteer of India’s destiny and the world’s, champion of the ultimate freedom, the prophet of human unity, the giver of the key to brotherhood.

Thou art the embodied Compassion and incarnate Hope, the Divine Author and the Seer Poet, the flame of sacrifice,  the undying love, the shadowless Light.

To Thee our infinite gratitude….

May we melt and merge with Thee and all our lives and every breath and each heartbeat and all we think and feel and do be completely consecrated to Thy Service.  May all in us in all entirety belong only and only to Thee and all be given to Thy Work and all become Thy Worship.

Om Mother Sri Aurobindo is our refuge.

The Beginning

The BeginningA million years ago the animal sprawling in the swamps of Africa and Asia stood erect, – a marvel of Nature, and called himself man. He was man indeed characterized by something unique, that source of his rise over the animal world he inherited and paradoxically as it were, also the reason for his fall from the spontaneous purity and natural harmony of the animal kingdom. A vague light that had shown itself only as a far off promise and rare occasional glimpses in the higher animals had suddenly shot beyond measure. This light had come to full birth within him and with its birth was born in man a restless seeking for Truth, the search for something higher and nobler and beautiful, a discontent with what was or is. It coaxed the animal out of his slumber, woke in his belly the hunger of the titans and in his heart the instincts of a god. Thus was born, amidst the pathless wilds a strange creature, an uneasy compromise between the demigod and the beast. He raised his head and saw the vacant Vast inviting him. He plunged his gaze below and fathomed the treasures of the deep seas. He looked around and saw the untouched grounds for an endless discovery.

Since then his quest has taken him far and high, without and within. He has cut paths into the wilds of the forest and filled them with cement and stones. He has dwelled within his inner being and tried to divine the laws that built the worlds and the Godheads in their far off starry homes. He has mapped the skies and the seas, plunged into his inner depths, measured the distance between the galaxies and the stars, shrunk space and squeezed time. And yet his search is far from being over. Each discovery has only increased his hunger; each finding has opened to his awakening eye an even greater seeking. The answered questions have raised more unanswered questions. Each mystery solved has led him to the doors of a still greater mystery. Tired and weary and restless he has created toys to satiate his hunger but soon the pangs are felt again and he needs new toys and fresh gadgets to play with even before he has outgrown the fancy of his old gadgets. Even as he sheds old layers of ignorance like peels from his eyes, fresh layers stand between him and the ultimate Truth. The old walls gone, new ones arise in its place; walls subtler and firmer like some magical entrance that refuses to yield unless one knows the elusive formula. Thus does he move in ever-widening circles of Ignorance driven by his first impulse to seek and know. Each ground of Knowledge rests upon a shadowy throne of doubt and a grey penumbra follows his advance. Unsure of anything he still tries to reconcile himself and the world, seeks to unite the two fragments of the one cosmic puzzle, – himself and the world he inhabits. He has lost his animal instincts and the sure spontaneity of that world; he is yet to gain the sure foothold on some terra-firma of sure Knowledge. In fact the very knowledge that had come to save him from the rigours of the animal world has become an artificer of his doom. The many paths he cut across the wilds have left behind thick trails of battle and strife. The animal in him is not dead; it has only assumed a more fanciful face and a cunning brain. The gods within him awake from time to time and he is stirred by sublime impulses but the titans’ voices soon drown his inner listening and he becomes a prey to dark and dangerous impulses.

This has been man’s story so far, a long dim preparation, the search for a Truth ever guessed and neared and missed, the cult of an Ideal never made real here. Still he continues to search out of the wilds into the far blue sky sailing amidst distant stars, his goal fixed outside all present maps, his fragile ship unable to cross the ultimate seas of knowledge or convert it into currencies of wisdom. Thus he moves on through day and night, from life to life, through cycles of creation and destruction. He rises from the grave and the pyre and seeks again and finds and loses and starts his search again. Thus he goes on invited by a rumour and a call. He is as if driven by a curse that denies him rest and peace in any home; all his resting places of knowledge and comfort zones of happiness prove to be only temporary inns. His Science and his Religion both bind him to these minor outposts until the restless urge in him drives him further to some land where he can reconcile both, his inner subjective world and the outer one that seems objective to his senses. He must find that meeting point where the two currents meet, the within and the without. He must touch the reconciling Wisdom in which the self and world grow true and one. He must discover the New Path that will lead him to this Integral Reality, the path that would release from within his depths the imprisoned gods and appease the chained beast that grovels in his subterranean den. It is this that now seeks to be born within him and just as the animal was a living laboratory in which man was worked out; man may well be the conscious instrument through whose co-operation the Next Species is being worked out. Everything that we have witnessed in the past century has worked towards this new becoming, this much wanted and foreseen change. Everything that we are witnessing today is also pointing towards this change that is pressing itself upon us from everywhere, from within and without. It is a meeting point of two currents of Time, the New and the Old; the moment of great churning within and without that through a passage of momentary confusion is yet leading us towards something that is unprecedented in earth’s history, the birth of an entirely new way of seeing and being, the birth of a New World. Towards this we shall now turn our attention…


How Can Reading Savitri Help on the Path?


The Mother says that Savitri alone is enough to guide one on the path. How can it practically help a Sadhak? 


Savitri helps to grow in consciousness through the consciousness contained within the words. It is something similar to the action of a mantra. When we read Savitri we come in contact with the consciousness of Sri Aurobindo (the author) and the Mother (whose story is being primarily told). This contact starts acting upon us and changing us along the lines indicated in Savitri.