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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Prayers

A short message for the day, received from Alokda every morning (when possible).     

2024 08 22

Songs of the Soul
Maa Thy Presence in every heart is the hope for the future. It is the assurance that how much ever our nature may be riddled with difficulties, a day will come when all these thorns shall be removed and our being shall blossom fully and be transformed by Thy Love. Instead of being hypnotised by our difficulties may we be always full of faith in Thee. For if there is no creature as incorrigibly complicated as man, there is also perhaps none who is so specially blessed by Thy Grace. 
All is Thine. All is surrendered to Thee, in Thy Love, for Thy Service.
May all be blessed by Thy Grace.

2024 08 21

Songs of the Soul 
Mother Divine, Mother of Beauty and Delight, may we love Thee and find Thee in all things. May our life be a rhythm of Thy Love pulsating through the heart of all things binding all creation in a harmonious togetherness. We, in our outer egoistic and separative consciousness have lost this harmony and have closed our heart to Thy sublime Love.
Open us to Thy Harmony, flood us with Thy Love and Light so that we may learn how to live truly and how to love truly, two movements that are one in essence. For if the highest possibility of life is to discover this Harmony and Delight hidden in all things, the swiftest road to that is to enter into oneness with Thy Love.

2024 08 20

Songs of the Soul 
Mother Divine Thou has led us this far through all the tangled threads of life through many a bodies and births. Thy infinite Grace has now opened the golden sunlit path towards a luminous beautiful future for us. May we open more and more to Thy Grace. Casting away all fear and doubt, may we walk straight upon the Supramental Path opened for us with dauntless courage and an unshakable faith that surmounts every difficulty. 
May Thy Love and Strength be always with us, Thy Love that bears all, transforms all with joy and Thy Strength that annihilates every obstacle that stands in the way.
May Thy Peace be with all 

2024 08 19

Songs of the Soul 
Maa may the limitless flame be lit in our hearts and climb higher and higher spreading its radiant limbs in every direction. May the inner horizons of the mind be illumined with the effulgence of the New Dawn. May our will be strong and intense and one-pointed as the spear point of Truth-light tearing down every veil of ignorance and be moved by Her Force for the fulfilment of Her Will. May all obstacles melt away and our entire being and consciousness flow irresistibly towards Her.
Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa 

August 18, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Maa, Thy Smile within our heart is the great security, the source of our hope and strength, the assurance that all is safe in Thy arms, the promise that Thy Victory shall indeed be established upon earth and Thy Sun of Beauty and Truth and Harmony shine in spite of the darkness that resists. May the radiance of Thy Smile dispel all darkness and gloom and filling all creatures with renewed enthusiasm. May we soar higher and higher encouraged by Thy Smile, unbuoyed by Thy Love.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

August 17, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Maa, Supreme Harmony, unalloyed Peace, may all in us be moulded of Thy pure mint without mixture.

May our earth and humanity discover the deeper bond of oneness and the true harmony based on the law of Truth.

May a beautiful and tranquil dawn emerge out of these clouds cleaning the Night with its spear points of golden Light.

May darkness be chased away completely from earth and the reign of Thy Sweetness, Light and Love be confirmed in all.

Come, O Victorious Love. Come, O Marvellous Dawn. Come, O Truth in all Thy Splendor. We greet Thee with all in us wide open to Thy coming, Come! 

August 16, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Maa, may humanity open to the New Light brought to earth by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Maa, may the New Idea take hold of the human mind and the human brain be adapted to receive and express the New Thought.

Maa may the human race grow amorous of the Divine Love and transformed by its alchemist touch move towards the New Creation.

Maa may this mind-based egocentric civilisation that is ending give way to the Divine Superhumanity of the Future.

May Thy Light and Love manifest in all. May Thy Divine Harmony and Peace reign and Thy Law of Beauty and Truth govern earthly life.

August 15, 2024

Songs of the Soul

Om Sri Aurobindo Mirra

Lord, Sri Aurobindo, we offer the salutation of our entire being to Thee.

Thou art the greatest of the great, mightier and more majestic than the Himalayas, grander than the galaxies, higher than the highest mountain summits, deeper than the Atlantic, vaster than the universe, brighter than our brightest suns put together, soothing as the gentle breeze in summer, more delightful than the full moon, tranquil as the clear pallid lake, , softer than the Rose petals, stronger than diamond, purer than Ganga in her heavenly home, gentle and fragrant as the lotus, more forbearing and patient than the earth, silent as Space and free as Time.

Thou art the final culmination of the line of Avatars, the supreme consummation of man’s spiritual quest for the Ultimate, the Lord of Yoga, the Vision of the Seer, the Master of man and his infinite lover, sole Beloved, the Friend forever and the unerring Guide, the charioteer of India’s destiny and the world’s, champion of the ultimate freedom, the prophet of human unity, the giver of the key to brotherhood.

Thou art the embodied Compassion and incarnate Hope, the Divine Author and the Seer Poet, the flame of sacrifice,  the undying love, the shadowless Light.

To Thee our infinite gratitude….

May we melt and merge with Thee and all our lives and every breath and each heartbeat and all we think and feel and do be completely consecrated to Thy Service.  May all in us in all entirety belong only and only to Thee and all be given to Thy Work and all become Thy Worship.

Om Mother Sri Aurobindo is our refuge.