श्री अरविन्द श्री मां की जीवन झांकी | GH | Alok Pandey
A series of 62 talks in Hindi on Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s life.
योग संबंधित वार्ता | TH | Alok Pandey
Talks in Hindi from TH series, which do not belong to other playlists at this channel. All audio tracks can be found at https://auromaa.org/
श्री मां का योग। | MY | Alok Pandey
This series is based on selections from the Mother’s Conversations.
अवलोकन | RH | Alok Pandey
Dr Alok Pandey reflects upon different aspects of life and existence from the spiritual perspective.
देवभूमि भारत की यह वार्ता-श्रंखला भारतवर्ष के अद्भुत, गहन, विशाल एवं बहु-आयामी अध्यात्मिक जीवन एवं संस्कृति को गहराई से देखने का प्रयास है।
The series titled Devabhoomi Bharat is an exploration of the deeper aspects of Bharat and her unique, lofty and vast many-sided spiritual life and culture.