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At the Feet of The Mother
True spiritual life begins with an aspiration, a seeking for the Divine, to discover and become one with Him. Whatever helps in process is good whether it be a ritualistic worship or doing one's work with dedication to God for the joy of serving Him.
The Mother: Past-Present-Future
Last night Amal told me that you had spoken of “a permanent home of Sri Aurobindo in the subtle-physical”. At once my mind went back to a dream in last September. This is how it ran:
It is obvious that the most dominant characteristic of matter is inertia, and that, if there were not this violence, perhaps the individual consciousness would be so inert that rather than change it would accept to live in a perpetual imperfection...
Video in Hindi
Savitri listens and absorbed in a witness state, enters the sheer stillness and impersonality of the Absolute, the state of Nothingness, the Nirvana that annuls everything. She becomes one with infinity and eternity.
The New World is there and yet we see a mounting confusion amidst humanity. What are the deeper reasons for this confusion? What is the way, the attitude we must take towards it? This talk explores some of these aspects of the confusion that preceeds the hour of the New creation. 
This poem is written during the pre-Pondicherry days in the form of a dialogue between the Rishi and Manu the king.