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At the Feet of The Mother

April 7, 1917

A Recitation of selected Prayers and Meditations of The Mother (AUDIO)

A DEEP concentration seized on me, and I perceived that I was identifying myself with a single cherry-blossom, then through it with all cherry-blossoms, and as I descended deeper in the consciousness, following a stream of bluish force, I became suddenly the cherry-tree itself, stretching towards the sky like so many arms its innumerable branches laden with their sacrifice of flowers. Then I heard distinctly this sentence:
“Thus hast Thou made thyself one with the soul of cherry-trees and so Thou canst take note that it is the Divine who makes the offering of this flower-prayer to heaven.”

When I had written it, all was effaced; but now the blood of the cherry-tree flows in my veins and with it flows an incomparable peace and force. What difference is there between the human body and the body of a tree? In truth, there is none, the consciousness which animates them is identically the same.

Then the cherry-tree whispered in my ear:
“It is in the cherry-blossom that lies the remedy for the disorders of the spring.”

 [* Please note that here the text of 1948 edition is being recited, with minor deviations. It significantly differs from 1979 edition, published in Collected Works of the Mother, vol.1]

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At best they invite some gods and beings of the vital world where much falsehood is mixed with fragments of truth, at worst they invoke certain dangerous forces in the atmosphere.